Golf And The Iphone 7... More In Common Than We Think

Photo by: Apple Everything Pro

Photo by: Apple Everything Pro

If you know me, you know that I am in desperate need of a new phone. I decided to keep my iPhone 4s (I KNOW!) for a few extra months so I could get the iPhone 7 once it came out. I was shocked and a little disappointed when I found out the iPhone 7 didn't have a headphone jack. Just like everyone, I was a little worried about what my new “headphone jack-less” life would be like. Then it hit me. I was just fighting the inevitable future. In a few years, wired headphones will be in the same category as CDs and floppy disks. Breaking the paradigm in our head is always hard, but we always get over it eventually. I know what you’re thinking. How does this relate to golf? Very simple. Golf, in all of its glory, is like my iPhone 4s. It’s a great sport, but it’s becoming obsolete for our times. It is no secret that golf is on the decline, but what are we doing about it? We need to find an iPhone 7 equivalent of golf fast if we want to keep our sport alive.


It scares me to think that the sport I love so much might be on its way out simply because we refuse to evolve with the times. Let’s be honest, golf is hard. Golf clubs and balls are expensive. It takes many hours of work to learn it. It takes at least four hours to finish a round. We have fancy dress codes. It looks boring in the eyes of non-golfers. And it’s certainly not easy for new players to get into it. In the busy times we live in, its hard to find time to practice and play. And while some of us make the time, most of the people out there just find other sports to play. Sports that are cheaper, easier to learn, and have a faster pace. While the thought of changing the game might sound like blasphemy to golf’s old school minds, it is inevitable.


photo by topgolf

photo by topgolf

So, what is the iPhone 7 equivalent of golf? I have a few theories. How about TopGolf!? I haven't seen the non-golfer population so excited about a golf related activity in a long time! (Don’t know what TopGolf is? Check it out here). TopGolf is fun, accessible, cheaper, and it appeals to people that don’t like traditional golf. How about long drive contests? Long drive contests are awesome! They are exciting, fun, and you don't have to be a golf pro to swing as hard as you can! How about nine hole rounds? You get all the components of traditional golf packed into a shortened round! How about short game only golf? We all know chipping and putting are hard enough to be a sport of their own. How about endurance golf? Running from shot to shot to incorporate the endurance/cardio component that traditional golf seems to be lacking. Sounds kind of fun to me! The possibilities are endless. 


I am ready to be a part of the revolution that saves golf. Change will always be hard, but it’s inevitable. Golf is a sport that has taught me many valuable lessons, and I will fight to keep it alive. Even if it requires some changes that will make us all a little bit uncomfortable. It’s time for all of us to understand that our sport needs to start evolving. All we can do is keep an open mind, and keep on swinging!


What is your iPhone 7 version of golf?